{% extends 'template.html.twig' %} {% block title %} {{ model.firstName|capitalize }} {{ model.lastName|capitalize }} - The Face {% endblock %} {% block body %} {% set gender = model.Num_sexe == 1 ? 'men' : 'women' %} {% set classes = ['page-container', 'page-container-model'] %} {% set nodeName = (model.firstName |lower |replace({ ' ': '-' })) ~ '-' ~ (model.lastName |lower |replace({ ' ': '-' })) %} {# {{ dump(model) }} #} {# --- INTRO --- #} {% set firstNameClass = '' %} {% if (model.firstName|length) >= 6 %} {% set firstNameClass = 'long-text' %} {% endif %} {% if (model.firstName|length) >= 9 %} {% set firstNameClass = 'very-long-text' %} {% endif %} {{ model.firstName|capitalize }} {{ model.lastName|capitalize }} {% if book and book[0] and book[0].hd %} {% endif %} {# {{ dump(model.measurements[0]|length) }} {{ dump(model.clothes[0]|length) }} #} {# --- INFOS --- #} {% set categoryIndex = model.MODEL_TAGS[0] %} {% set category = sectionsHierarchy[gender][categoryIndex] %} {{ category.name }} {{ model.firstName|capitalize }} {{ model.lastName|capitalize }} {% if book|length %} Overview {% endif %} {% if videos %} Videos {% endif %} PDF {% if (model.measurements[0]|length) > 0 or (model.clothes[0]|length) > 0 %} EU US {% endif %} {% if model.measurements %} {% for measurement in model.measurements %} {% if measurement %} {% set infoTitle = measurement[2] %} {% if infoTitle == 'Height' %} {% set infoTitle = 'Height' %} {% elseif infoTitle == 'Bust' %} {% set infoTitle = 'Bust' %} {% elseif infoTitle == 'Waist' %} {% set infoTitle = 'Waist' %} {% elseif infoTitle == 'Chest' %} {% set infoTitle = 'Chest' %} {% elseif infoTitle == 'Hips' %} {% set infoTitle = 'Hips' %} {% elseif infoTitle == 'Hair' or infoTitle == 'Hair / color' %} {% set infoTitle = 'Hair' %} {% elseif infoTitle == 'Eyes' %} {% set infoTitle = 'Eyes' %} {% endif %} {{ infoTitle|raw }} {% if measurement[2] == 'Eyes' or measurement[2] == 'Hair' %} {{ measurement[3] }} {% else %} {{ measurement[1] }} {{ measurement[3] }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if model.clothes %} {% for clothe in model.clothes %} {% if clothe %} {% set infoTitle = clothe[2] %} {% if infoTitle == 'Shoes Women' or infoTitle == 'Shoes Men' %} {% set infoTitle = 'Shoe' %} {% endif %} {% if infoTitle == 'Suit Men' %} {% set infoTitle = 'Suit' %} {% endif %} {{ infoTitle }} {# {% if clothe[2] == '???' %} {{ clothe[3] }} {% else %} #} {{ clothe[1] }} {{ clothe[3] }} {# {% endif %} #} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {{ model.firstName|capitalize }} {{ model.lastName|capitalize }} Please select a print option below. These files require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader {% include 'svg/use.svg.twig' with { classes: ['pdf-popup-choice-icon'], icon: 'icon-dual' } only %} {% include 'svg/use.svg.twig' with { classes: ['pdf-popup-choice-icon'], icon: 'icon-eight' } only %} {# --- OVERVIEW --- #} {# {{ dump(book) }} #} {% if book|length %} {% for p in book|slice(1) %} {% if p and p.media_name %} {% set imageClasses = ['model-image'] %} {% if p.is_landscape == 1 %} {% set imageClasses = imageClasses|merge( [ 'col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-6 landscape' ] ) %} {% else %} {% set imageClasses = imageClasses|merge( ['col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3'] ) %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {# --- SLIDESHOW --- #} {% include 'model/slideshow.html.twig' with { nodeName: nodeName, book: book, booker_api_medias_url: booker_api_medias_url, model: model } only %} {# --- VIDEOS --- #} {% if videos %} Videos {% set videoIndex = 1 %} {% for video in videos %} {% if '.flv' in video.media_name %} {% else %} Video{% if videoIndex < 10 %}0{% endif %}{{ videoIndex }} {# [Subtitle] #} {% set videoIndex = videoIndex + 1 %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}
Please select a print option below. These files require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader