{% extends 'template.html.twig' %} {% block title %} Home - The Face {% endblock %} {% block body %} {% set classes = ['page-container', 'page-container-home'] %}

The Face - Paris

{# --- LATEST --- #}


{% for item in latestItems %} {% if item.thumbHd is defined %} {# {{ dump(item) }} #}
{% set imgSrc = booker_api_medias_url ~ '/' ~ item.modelId ~ '/' ~ item.thumbHd %} {{ item.titre }}

{{ item.titre }}

{{ item.modelName }}

{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{# --- LATEST SLIDESHOW --- #} {% for item in latestItems %} {% if item.thumbHd is defined %} {# 12? #} {% include 'latest/slideshow.html.twig' with { item: item, loop: loop, latestItems: latestItems, context: 'home' } only %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}